What Is the Most Energy Efficient Way to Run a Dehumidifier?

Running a dehumidifier efficiently can help reduce energy consumption and save on electricity costs. Here are some tips for running a dehumidifier in an energy-efficient manner:


1. Use the Right Size Dehumidifier

Make sure you have the right-sized dehumidifier for the space you're trying to dehumidify. An oversized unit will cycle on and off more frequently, wasting energy. An undersized unit will have to run continuously, also using more energy.

2. Set the Desired Humidity Level

Most dehumidifiers allow you to set a specific humidity level. Ideally, set it to a level of around 30-50%, depending on your comfort preferences and the recommendations for your region. Lower settings use more energy.

3. Use the Timer of the dehumidifier

If your dehumidifier has a timer, consider setting it to operate during specific times of the day when humidity tends to be higher or when you're home and can benefit from the drier air. This can help reduce overall runtime.

4. Regularly Maintain the Dehumidifier

Keep the dehumidifier's air filter clean and replace it as needed. A dirty filter can restrict airflow, making the unit less efficient.

5. Empty the Water Container Regularly

If your commercial dehumidifier has a water container, empty it regularly to prevent the unit from shutting off due to a full tank. Some dehumidifiers also have a hose attachment option for continuous drainage, which can be more efficient.

6. Position the Dehumidifier Properly

Place the water restoration dehumidifier in a central location within the room for better air circulation. Avoid blocking the airflow with furniture or other obstacles.

7. Seal Leaks

Seal any gaps or cracks in windows and doors to prevent moisture from entering the room. The less moisture that enters, the less work the dehumidifier needs to do.

8. Combine with Fans

Using a ceiling fan or oscillating fan in conjunction with the dehumidifier can help distribute dry air more effectively throughout the room, allowing you to set the home dehumidifier at a lower level.

9. Use Energy-Efficient Models

When purchasing a new dehumidifier, look for models with an ENERGY STAR label. These units meet energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

10. Regularly Check for Refrigerant Leaks

If your dehumidifier uses refrigerant, make sure there are no leaks, as this can reduce its efficiency.

11. Seasonal Use

If you only need a dehumidifier during certain seasons, store it properly when not in use to prevent dust buildup and ensure it operates efficiently when needed.


By following these tips and using your dehumidifier judiciously, you can minimize its energy consumption while effectively managing the humidity levels in your home.

Post time: Aug-23-2023
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