Will a Dehumidifier Stop Bathroom Mould?

Stepping into the shower, there's a brownish, greenish blob of slime in the corner. Or maybe there are red and orange streaks. Dr. Sophia Tolliver, a family medicine physician at Ohio State Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, said “The bathroom is a ground zero for mold growth, probably because mold likes to grow in dark, damp areas.” Is there any way to banish unsightly mold and mildew from the bathroom forever?

1. Use a Dehumidifier:

There are two types of dehumidifiers recommended for you. A small, portable dehumidifier can be an effective solution for reducing humidity levels in a bathroom. After a shower, you can place the dehumidifier in a central location, and empty the water reservoir regularly. However, it is not recommended to use a portable dehumidifier when you are having a shower. Extra caution is required when using electrical appliances in a room filled with water vapor. If you want to have a shower and dehumidify the bathroom at the same time, installing a whole-house dehumidifier is a pretty good choice. The bathroom ceiling dehumidifier can be directly connected to the HVAC system. It is very easy to control the whole system, first open the dehumidification mode, and then set the timer, which frees you from emptying the water tank and worrying about the electricity hazards. Contact Preair for more information about the whole home dehumidifier.


2. Improve Ventilation:

Ensure that your bathroom is well-ventilated. Use exhaust fans during and after showers or baths to remove moisture-laden air. If your bathroom doesn't have a built-in exhaust fan, consider installing one.


3. Open Windows and Doors:

Allow fresh air to circulate by opening windows and doors when weather conditions permit. This helps exchange humid indoor air with drier outdoor air.


4. Use Moisture-Resistant Paint:

Consider painting the bathroom with moisture-resistant or mold-resistant paint. This type of paint helps to prevent moisture from penetrating the walls.


5. Seal Grout Lines:

Ensure that the grout lines in your bathroom are properly sealed. This prevents moisture from seeping into the walls and floors.


6. Keep Surfaces Clean:

Regularly clean bathroom surfaces, including walls, tiles, and fixtures, to prevent the buildup of mold and mildew.


7. Use a Squeegee:

After showering, use a squeegee on shower walls and doors to remove excess water. This helps minimize the moisture left in the bathroom.


Dehumidifying a bathroom is important to prevent issues such as mold, mildew, and musty odors.

By combining these strategies, you can create a more comfortable and humidity-controlled environment in your bathroom. It's often beneficial to use a combination of methods for the best results.

Post time: Jan-31-2024
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