Can I Run a Dehumidifier While I Shower?

You can run a dehumidifier while you shower, and doing so can be beneficial in reducing the overall humidity levels in your home. When you take a shower, especially in a confined space like a bathroom, the warm water can create steam, which increases the moisture content in the air. This elevated humidity can lead to issues such as condensation on surfaces, mold growth, and a generally less comfortable indoor environment.


By running a dehumidifier during and after your shower, you can help control the excess moisture and prevent it from causing problems. 

Start the Dehumidifier Before or During the Shower

If possible, start the fresh air dehumidifier a bit before or during your shower to proactively manage the rising humidity levels.


Place the Dehumidifier Strategically

Position the dehumidifier in a location where it can effectively capture the moist air generated during the shower. Placing it in or near the bathroom is ideal. 

Or, if you have equipped a whole house dehumidifier connected to the HVAC system in your house, you can control it through the main board and set the desired humidity level. According to the usage time of the bathroom, you can previously set the machine to run for 30 minutes, 1 hour, or more. 

Use a Bathroom Exhaust Fan

If your bathroom has an exhaust fan, use it in conjunction with the dehumidifier. The exhaust fan helps to expel moist air directly outside, while the dehumidifier can further remove moisture from the indoor air.



Ensure that there is proper ventilation in the bathroom by keeping the door ajar or opening a window. This allows for better air circulation and helps the dehumidifier work more efficiently.


Monitor Humidity Levels

Some whole house dehumidifiers come with humidity level controls. Set the desired humidity level based on your preferences and the conditions in your home. This can prevent the dehumidifier from running excessively.


Empty or Direct Drainage

If your dehumidifier has a water collection bucket, ensure it is emptied regularly to maintain efficient operation. Alternatively, some dehumidifiers offer the option for continuous drainage, which can be convenient.


Using a dehumidifier in conjunction with proper ventilation practices can help manage humidity levels and prevent issues associated with excessive moisture. It's especially important in areas prone to high humidity, as controlling indoor humidity contributes to a more comfortable and healthier living environment.

Post time: Nov-29-2023
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